Check the availability of IQOS ILUMA sticks at the tobacconist
Search for the tobacconist closest to you with sticks with or without tobacco for the devices of the IQOS ILUMA line and check the availability of the variants of LEVIATM, the aromatic sticks without tobacco with nicotine.
Search among the tobacconists in Italy
where you can find IQOS ILUMA sticks with or without tobacco
How to find the nearest tobacco shop:
Enter an address in the map search bar
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Check the availability* of the LEVIATM stick variants in the selected store
*Availability is not real time updated.
* Availability is not updated in real time. We invite you to contact the point of sale for more information.
Learn more LEVIA™:
New tobacco-free aromatic sticks with nicotine

Discover IQOS ILUMA range
Reliability, simplicity and taste experience. IQOS ILUMA the innovative induction system for heating tobacco. No blade and no cleaning.

The SMARTCORE INDUCTION SYSTEMTM and the SMARTCORE STICKSTM have been developed to offer a whole new way to enjoy tobacco.
Compared to previous IQOS models, the blade moves from the device to the tobacco stick in order to continuously heat the tobacco from the inside stick after stick. IQOS ILUMA is designed to be used only with SMARTCORE STICKSTM tobacco sticks.
SMARTCORE STICKSTM are not compatible with previous generation IQOS models.
Do not ingest or dissasemble SMARTCORE STICKSTM
This product contains a sharp metal part which can cause serious injury if swallowed.
Keep out of the reach of children
Would you recommend the nearest tobacconist's locator service to family, friends or colleagues who are adult smokers?
SMARTCORE STICKSTM will be available in tobacco shops throughout Italy starting from 13/12.
Since distribution will start as early as 5/12 to ensure product availability on 13/12.
You may find the product in some stores as early as 5/12.