Please enter your date of birth to confirm you are an adult user of nicotine or tobacco products


this website is intended only for users of nicotine or tobacco products who are over 18.

We Care

This website contains information about our smoke-free products and we need your age to make sure that you are an adult in Italy who would otherwise continue to smoke or use nicotine products. Our nicotine and tobacco products are not an alternative to quitting and are not designed as cessation aids. They are not risk free. They contain nicotine, which is addictive. Only for use by adults. Please visit the Important Information page of this website for further risk information.

Our circular economy

Learn about the programs we have launched to support the circular economy, such as collecting and taking back old IQOS and Lil devices to recycle them with high recovery standards and the IQOS Refreshed initiative, which aims to give a second life to used IQOS Iluma devices and help reduce electronic waste.

We know that real change is only possible if it is shared.
We're just getting started. Let's do it together.
Together, we can make a difference.

  • REC and Take Back program

    Collect and recycle IQOS and Lil devices.

  • IQOS Refreshed

    Giving pre-owned devices a new life

REC, Take-Back, and IQOS Refreshed circularity programs have helped us take a step further.
It is adding value to Philip Morris commitment to its sustainability strategy.

  • Other initiatives

    Discover our other sustainable initiatives

  • Other Circular Economy Projects

    Raw materials and packaging

REC “Recycling for Circular Economy” and Take-Back.

As part of Philip Morris' goal to achieve high standards in terms of waste recycling for a circular economy, Philip Morris Italy has launched the
REC project—Recycling for Circular Economy Thanks to the REC Circular Economy program, waste from IQOS and Lil devices is delivered to a company specialized in the treatment of electrical and electronic equipment. The company separates the raw materials contained in the devices and then sends them for recovery to achieve Philip Morris' high waste recycling standards.
—dedicated to recycling scrap from IQOS and Lil devices. The project seeks to recover an average of more than 80% of the raw materials they are composed.
Among the raw materials recovered are plastics and metals, magnets, lithium-ion batteries, and circuits, which are essential for many industrial activities.
If you have one or more IQOS or Lil devices that you no longer use, you can drop them off free of charge at IQOS stores and tobacco stores participating in the
Take-Back The Take Back initiative, through the Philip Morris Dedicated Flow, collects waste from IQOS and Lil devices and sends it to the specialized treatment company that carries out the recycling activities. The goal is to achieve higher Philip Morris recovery standards under the REC project (with a recovery target of more than 80% of the raw materials in the devices on average).
initiative through the Philip Morris
Dedicated Flow Philip Morris has activated a Dedicated Flow with Logista under the Program Agreement signed with the Italian Tobacconists Federation, the Environmental and Energy Security Department (MASE), and the RAEE Coordination Center for the collection and take-back of electronic cigarette and tobacco heating device waste and for subsequent recycling.
so that we can recycle them to meet REC targets, thus turning waste into a resource.

Find all the stores participating in Take-Back programs through the store locator. Learn more

Together, we can make a difference.

IQOS ILUMA Refreshed range

Philip Morris International promoted the premium IQOS Refreshed initiative, which aims to give a second life to Iluma devices returned by consumers, helping to reduce the creation of electronic waste.
Used IQOS ILUMA devices become IQOS Refreshed only after being inspected, cleaned, sanitized, and tested by our experts with the utmost care. Aesthetic and functional components and batteries are replaced when required according to the condition of the device received. It also ensures that the latest firmware has been installed on the device.
IQOS Refreshed is only available in Italy as part of limited initiatives.

We have gone one step further with REC, Take-Back, and IQOS Refreshed.
These are essential additions to Philip Morris commitment to its sustainability strategy.

Other initiatives

Philip Morris International is the only company in the tobacco industry to have announced a commitment to building a smoke-free future.
It is an ambition that begins with research and development of alternatives to cigarettes for adult smokers who would otherwise continue to smoke, for which the company has invested more than $12 billion since 2008 and continues with a focus on sustainability.
Sustainability is the fundamental pillar of Philip Morris' corporate vision and drives our transformation to a smoke-free future, as spelled out in Philip Morris International's Integrated Report, last published in 2023.
Philip Morris's is a profound transformation in which Italy plays a central role.
Philip Morris has been operating in Italy for 60 years. Its commitment to the country has consistently grown through significant investments and initiatives related to its integrated supply chain.

Several activities fall within the scope of sustainability initiatives, including strategies focused on decarbonizing production processes at Philip Morris Manufacturing and Technology Bologna (PMMTB) plants. This strand includes renewable energy: in fact, 100 percent of the electricity used by PMMTB comes from renewable sources. The self-production of energy complements the purchase of certified green energy through the plant's
photovoltaic system Solar panels are installed on 75 percent of the plant's usable area, providing 10 percent of the energy needed by the plant.
the Group's most significant globally.

Special attention is also paid to safeguarding the water resource and maximizing savings and efficiency in its use in agricultural and industrial settings. Since 2021, the PMMTB plant has been awarded the prestigious
Alliance for Water Stewardship The plant implemented the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) standard and achieved Core level certification in 2019 and the following year's audit. In October 2021, the implementation of new water-saving projects and recognition of water awareness efforts led to the achievement of the Gold-level.
(AWS) Gold-level certification for
sustainable and responsible water use. Implementation of water-saving and recycling technologies, water optimization settings, and daily monitoring activities proposed in the AWS strategic plan have significantly reduced domestic water use. In 2022, the PMMTB plant reduced its product water footprint by 47 percent compared to 2018, achieving a savings of about 1 million m3 of potable water withdrawn from the aqueduct, equivalent to the consumption of 22,000 inhabitants.

Philip Morris Italia also asked tobacco farmers in its supply chain not to use pesticides in their crops and to use only biofuels, in accordance with the
Zero Deforestation Manifesto 2.0. In compliance with the Zero Deforestation Manifesto 2.0, Philip Morris Italia ensures each year that 100 percent of the woody biomass for the tobacco drying stage used by tobacco farmers in its supply chain comes from sustainably managed sources. Evidence of this commitment is the numerous protocols signed with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Coldiretti, and the National Tobacco Organization, as well as the application of Philip Morris International's global programs such as Agricultural Labor Practices, Good Agricultural Practices, and programs on product traceability, biodiversity, and environmental and energy sustainability.

In a further step, Philip Morris Italia invests in developing production skills and innovation. It has launched several projects dedicated to the agricultural supply chain, such as
Digital Farmer The “Digital Farmer” initiative was created in collaboration with the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development and the University of Perugia to make the Italian tobacco supply chain increasingly sustainable and innovative and to support growers on the path to eco-energy and digital transition. The training course, aimed particularly at young growers, aims to encourage the improvement of their technical and entrepreneurial skills and the adoption of cutting-edge technologies in precision agriculture.
and the
BeLeaf: Be The Future call for innovation “BeLeaf: Be The Future” calls for innovation targets at national and international start-ups, spin-offs, and small-to-medium enterprises that have developed technologies and solutions applicable to the agritech sector, specifically to everything related to tobacco growing, harvesting, and processing.

All these initiatives contributed in 2023 to Philip Morris International's inclusion in the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability World Index. .

Other Circular Economy Projects

Less packaging, less waste

Philip Morris International is committed to reducing unnecessary packaging in our devices and tobacco sticks. Overall, between 2018 and 2021, we reduced the total weight of our packaging materials by 8 percent, and we are on track to reach our 15 percent reduction by 2025. By reducing the total volume of materials used and materials from non-renewable sources, we improve the recyclability of all our packaging. We aim to make 100 percent of our packaging from recyclable materials by 2025.
In 2021, Philip Morris International launched new packaging for IQOS ILUMA, through which we reduced the use of 9 tons of plastic. New formats that are 40% lighter and 20% smaller also improved the efficiency of packaging materials, amounting to 43 tons of fiber-based packaging. This reduction in weight and volume contributes to fuel savings and a reduction in harmful gases during transportation.
Philip Morris International has also been working to make it easier for consumers to dispose of packaging appropriately. It has stopped using magnets in device boxes and is taking steps to achieve fully recyclable packaging in the paper stream for devices and accessories by 2025.
By 2022, we will have modified IQOS shoppers in Italy to be fully recyclable in the paper stream and the packaging boxes we use to ship devices and accessories ordered on

Quid for IQOS

On Women's Day 2022, IQOS began its Italian partnership with Quid, an ethical and sustainable fashion social enterprise. Quid makes the world of work accessible to those most at risk of exclusion and discrimination in Italy, with a particular focus on women, by having them create clothing and accessories by recovering surplus fabrics from large textile and fashion companies that would otherwise become waste. Quid has made several special editions of accessories for IQOS, using reclaimed fabrics exclusively for IQOS Club users. IQOS has also supported two critical projects that benefit Quid and the women who work there and have sought and found redemption in their work: Quid Lab and Worldplaces. The IQOS Club users community supported that project with generous participation and a fundraising campaign in 2023 by donating Club points. Through the clubbers' contribution, which IQOS doubled, Quid created a training and professional development pathway for women with a history of work exclusion.
This product is not risk free and provides nicotine, which is addictive. Only for use by adults who would otherwise continue to smoke or use other nicotine products.